The Verilog to html converter
v2html is a free perl script that converts verilog designs into webpages. Once converted the webpages can be opened directly in a browser (using File->Open), or placed on a webserver. The webpages contain:
- The verilog with colour coded keywords, comments, signals etc. The colour coding lets you see at a glance whether a signal is an input, output, wire or register.
- Links where modules, functions, tasks, defines, parameters etc. are used to let you quickly find the definitions.
- Javascript code so that when you click on a signal a popup window appears that lets you follow the signal around the design (finding the source, definition etc.)
- A hierarchical view of the design so you can see what instantiates what. The hierarchy folds (like a file explorer) that you can hide or expose different parts of the design.
- Alphabetical Indexes so that you can quickly find a module, signal, task or function, and then find the code that defines it.
A framed mode is also available, where the browser window is split into 3 frames, the top one showing the hierarchy, the middle one showing the verilog code and the bottom one showing the definitions of things you click on.
After conversion the verilog looks like this (each signal and define
would be a link):
output seg_g; `ifdef THE_HARD_WAY wire [3:0] millennium; initial // Print result $display("Oscillator frequency is %d", `OSC_F); count_millennia m1 (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), millennium) ); `else reg seg_a;
To use v2html you really need to be using at least Netscape Navigator 4.7 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. For the best results use Netscape Navigator 6.1 or Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
The verilog parser that v2html uses can also be used as a basis for your own perl scripts, see the RVP page for more details.
© 1999-2009 Costas Calamvokis