v2html Conversion Software Limited Copyright Licence BACKGROUND The accompanying v2html conversion software (the software) is a copyrighted work. This document describes conditions under which the software can be copied, modified and distributed. All rights, including copyright, in the software are retained by the owner(s) as identified in each software file. Subject to the conditions described below, you may modify source files included with the software and distribute the modified versions. The software accompanying this notice may include such derivative works. CONDITIONS FOR AUTHORIZED COPYING, MODIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION If you agree to all of the following conditions, you may copy, modify and distribute the software subject to these conditions. You do not need to agree to these conditions. However, if you do not agree to all of the following conditions, you are not authorized to do anything with regard to the copyrighted work that is within the exclusive domain of a copyright owner, such as copying, modification, and distribution. (1) No fee (monetary or otherwise) may be charged for the software or any derivative work (whether in exchange for copying, distribution, use, or otherwise). (2) The software includes copyright notices, references to this document, and warnings concerning the intended use of the software. All such notices are to be included in all copies of the software. Any code copied or moved to a file not having such notices must be accompanied by such notices. Notices that are displayed to a user during execution of the software are to remain intact. (3) This document may not be modified. A copy of this document must be included with each copy of the software, including derivative works. (4) Failure to abide by these conditions terminates any rights that you may otherwise have had under this licence. (5) NO WARRANTY: The software has NO warranty from anyone; for example, there is NO warranty that the software is error free and there is NO warranty with respect to infringement of patents, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights. The software is provided "AS IS." NO support is provided for the software. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. (6) LIMITATIONS OF REMEDIES AND LIABILITY: In no event shall Hewlett-Packard be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits), whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory. (7) DERIVATIVE WORKS: In this document, the phrase "derivative work" is intended to include only those works that include sufficient copyrightable material from the software such that the derivative work would be a copyright infringement if made without authorization of the owner of the copyright in the software.