Icon | File Type | Extension | Action when selected |
| | | |
| Directory | none | The browser enters that
directory |
| Audio file | various | Rockbox takes you to the
WPS and starts playing the
file |
| Cuesheet | .cue | View a cuesheet file |
| Wave Audio File | .wav | Play a WAV file |
| Playlist | .m3u,.m3u8 | Rockbox loads the playlist
and starts playing the first
file |
| Rockbox firmware | .e200 | ROLO will load the new
firmware |
| While Playing Screen | .wps | The new WPS display
configuration will be loaded |
| Language File | .lng | Loads a language file |
| Text File | .txt | This will display the text file
using Rockbox text browser
plugin |
| Configuration File | .cfg | The settings file will be
loaded |
| Font | .fnt | This font will replace the
current one |
| Plugin | .rock | Starts a Rockbox plugin |
| Chip8 game | .ch8 | Play a Chip8 game |
| Image | .jpg | View a JPEG image |