B. WPS Tags
B.1. Status Bar
Tag | Description |
| |
%we | Status Bar Enabled |
%wd | Status Bar Disabled |
These tags override the player setting for the display of the status bar. They must be noted on
their own line.
B.2. ID3 Info
Tag | Description |
| |
%ia | ID3 Artist |
%ic | ID3 Composer |
%id | ID3 Album Name |
%ig | ID3 Genre Name |
%in | ID3 Track Number |
%it | ID3 Track Title |
%iv | ID3 Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or empty if no id3 tag) |
%iy | ID3 Year |
Remember that this information is not always available, so use the conditionals to show
alternate information in preference to assuming.
B.3. Power Related Information
Tag | Description |
| |
%bl | Show numeric battery level in percent. |
| Can also be used in a conditional: %?bl<-1|0|1|2|…|N> |
| Where the -1 value is used when the battery level isn’t known (it usually
is). |
%bv | Show the battery level in volts |
%bt | Show estimated battery time left |
%bp | “p” if the charger is connected |
| (only on targets that can charge batteries) |
%bc | “c” if the unit is currently charging the battery |
| (only on targets that have software charge control or monitoring) |
%bs | Sleep timer. Shows the remaining time if the sleeptimer is set |
B.4. File Info
Tag | Description |
| |
%fb | File Bitrate (in kbps) |
%fc | File Codec (e.g. “MP3” or “FLAC”). This
tag can also be used in a conditional tag,
%?fc<mp1|mp2|mp3|aiff|wav|vorbis|flac|mpc|a52|wavpack|alac|aac|shn|sid|adx|unknown>. |
| The codec order is as follows: MP1, MP2, MP3, AIFF, WAV,Ogg Vorbis
(OGG), FLAC, MPC, AC3, WavPack (WV), ALAC, AAC,Shorten (SHN),
SID, ADX, NSF, Speex, SPC, APE. |
%ff | File Frequency (in Hz) |
%fm | File Name |
%fn | File Name (without extension) |
%fp | File Path |
%fs | File Size (In Kilobytes) |
%fv | “(avg)” if variable bit rate or “” if constant bit rate |
%d1 | First directory from end of file path. |
%d2 | Second directory from end of file path. |
%d3 | Third directory from end of file path. |
Example for the %dN commands: If the path is “/Rock/Kent/Isola/11 - 747.mp3”, %d1 is
“Isola”, %d2 is “Kent” … You get the picture.
B.5. Playlist/Song Info
Tag | Description |
| |
%pb | Progress Bar |
| This will replace the entire line with a progress bar. |
| You can set the height, position and width of the progressbar (in pixels):
%pb|height|leftpos|rightpos| |
%px | Percentage Played In Song |
%pc | Current Time In Song |
%pe | Total Number of Playlist Entries |
%pm | Peak Meter. The entire line is used as volume peak meter. |
%pn | Playlist Name (Without path or extension) |
%pp | Playlist Position |
%pr | Remaining Time In Song |
%ps | Shuffle. Shows ’s’ if shuffle mode is enabled. |
%pt | Total Track Time |
%pv | Current volume (x dB). Can also be used in a conditional: |
| %?pv<0|1|2|…|N> |
B.6. Runtime Database
Tag | Description |
| |
%rp | Song playcount |
%rr | Song rating (0-10). This tag can also be used in a conditional tag,
%?rr<0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10> |
B.7. Sound (DSP) settings
Tag | Description |
| |
%sp | Display current playback pitch |
%xf | Crossfade setting, in the order: Off, Shuffle, Skip, Always |
%rg | ReplayGain
value in use (x.y dB). If used as a conditional, Replaygain type in use:
%?rg<Off|Track|Album|TrackShuffle|AlbumShuffle|No tag> |
B.8. Virtual LED
Tag | Description |
| |
%lh | “h” if the flash storage is accessed |
B.9. Repeat Mode
Tag | Description |
| |
%mm | Repeat mode, 0-4, in the order: Off, All, One, Shuffle |
Example: %?mm<Off|All|One|Shuffle|A-B>
B.10. Playback Mode Tags
Tag | Description |
| |
%mp | Play status, 0-4, in the order: Stop, Play, Pause, Fast forward, Rewind |
Example: %?mp<Stop|Play|Pause|Ffwd|Rew>
B.11. Images
Tag | Description |
| |
%X|filename.bmp| | Load and set a backdrop image for the WPS. This image
must be exactly the same size as your LCD. |
%P|filename.bmp| | Load a Progress bar image for the WPS. Use %pb tag to
show the progress bar |
%x|n|filename|x|y| | Load and display an image |
| n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) |
| filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and
including .bmp |
| x: x coordinate |
| y: y coordinate. |
%xl|n|filename|x|y| | Preload an image for later display |
| n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) |
| filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and
including .bmp |
| x: x coordinate |
| y: y coordinate. |
%xdn | Display a preloaded image |
| n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) |
Example: image /.rockbox/bg.bmp with ID “a” at 37, 109 would be:
- The images must be in a rockbox compatible format (1 bit per pixel BMP)
- The image tag must be on its own line
- The ID is case sensitive, giving 52 different ID’s
- The size of the LCD screen for each player varies. See table below for appropriate
sizes of each device. The x and y coordinates must repect each of the players’
B.12. Alignment
Tag | Description |
| |
%al | Text is left aligned |
%ac | Text is center aligned |
%ar | Text is right aligned |
All alignment tags may be present in one line, but they need to be in the order left – center –
right. If the aligned texts overlap, they are merged.
B.13. Conditional Tags
Tag | Description |
| |
%?xx<true|false> | If / Else: Evaluate for true or false case |
%?xx<alt1|alt2|alt3|…|else> | Enumerations: Evaluate for first / second
/ third / …/ last condition |
B.14. Real Time Clock
Tag | Description |
| |
%cd | Day of month |
%ce | Zero padded day of month |
%cH | Zero padded hour from 00 to 24 |
%ck | Hour from 0 to 24 |
%cI | Zero padded hour from 12 to 12 |
%cl | Hour from 12 to 12 |
%cm | Month |
%cM | Minutes |
%cS | Seconds |
%cy | 2-digit year |
%cY | 4-digit year |
%cP | Capital AM/PM |
%cp | Lowercase am/pm |
%ca | Weekday name |
%cb | Month name |
%cu | Day of week from 1 to 7, 1 is Monday |
%cw | Day of week from 0 to 6, 0 is Sunday |
B.15. Other Tags
Tag | Description |
| |
%% | Display a ‘%’ |
%< | Display a ‘<’ |
%| | Display a ‘|’ |
%> | Display a ‘>’ |
%; | Display a ‘;’ |
%s | Indicate that the line should scroll. Can occur anywhere in a line (given
that the text is displayed; see conditionals above). You can specify up to
10 scrolling lines. Scrolling lines can not contain dynamic content such as
timers, peak meters or progress bars. |