
Unless told not to v2html generates indexes for various things in your design. At the moment these are:

Entries in the index are linked like this:

   Term linked to the verilog code
type:Information linked to other places in the indexes

I've done it like this because I figured you might want to go to one of two places: the code or to another place in the index. So one click takes you to the other place in the index, and once there you can always click on the Term to go to the code.

The most interesting index is probably the signals index. This lets you see what modules and ports signals fanout to, and what signals a port is connected to at the next level up. This index, in conjunction with the signal linking in the code and the signal popup window should let you trace signals backwards and forwards to your heart's content.

Here's a summary of all the index items and what the mean...


 File name linked to code
full name: File name with path
modules: modules defined in the file, linked to the modules in the module index
includes: files included by this file, linked to the file in the file index


 Module name linked to the code
File: The file which contains the module
Instantiates: Module_name:Instance_name linked to the module in the module index
Instantiated by: Module_name:Instance_name linked to the module in the module index
Tasks: Linked to the task in the task index
Functions: Linked to the function in the function index


 Signal_name : module_name type
Connects down to: List of ports that the signal connects to in this module. The format is Module_name:Instance_name:Port_name. Clicking on this takes you to the signal Port_name belonging to the lower level module.
Connects up to: List of signals that connect to this port when this module is instantiated in other modules. Again the format is Module_name:Instance_name:Port_name. Clicking on this takes you to the signal Port_name belonging to the higher level module.


File: File the task appears in, linked to the file index.
Module: Module the task appears in, linked to the module index.


File: File the function appears in, linked to the file index.
Module: Module the function appears in, linked to the module index.

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© 1999-2009 Costas Calamvokis